Java Development

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Development for Java are meant to build, deploy and edit sources to artifacts.

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  © HJM Frielink, last modified: GMT: 23:33, 2025 February 6, Java Development

Java Errors


Memory leaks in Java programs? Absolutely. Contrary to popular belief, memory management is still a consideration in Java programming. In this article, you'll learn what causes Java memory leaks and when these leaks should be of concern. You'll also get a quick hands-on lesson for tackling leaks in your own projects.

Java IDE


Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing a vendor-neutral open development platform and application frameworks for building software.


Rational Application Developer.


Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) is based on Eclipse.

Java Frameworks

External Links


Tooling is a bit scattered. There are plugins for eclipse, maven, ant and jEdit etc.


JCoverage have a suite of tools and technologies designed to improve your coverage and testing productivity. The aim is to reduce the 'code - test - diagnose - fix' cycle. jcoverage enables software projects to save time, money and effort by allowing programmers to monitor progress, catch defects and improve quality.
JCoveage can:

  • Measure the percentage of code that has been tested.
  • Run your tests, create your reports, immediately get all information about problems in your system - with data shown on a per-test basis.
