Apple iPad

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The Apple iPad is a mini computer with a very nice screen size. It is easy to handle and to take away. Ideal for holidays to watch Internet Broadcasts and browsing on the Internet, check your email.


Download iPad User Guide on Books-app:

Tips & Tricks

Slide over, Split, view en Beeld in beeld

Battery life

The suggestions come from several websites (See also).

1. Lower screen brightness

Apple states, There are two simple ways you can preserve battery life -- no matter how you use your device: Adjust your screen brightness and use Wi-Fi.

  • To adjust screen brightness, swipe up to open the Control Center and use the slider on the right to lower your screen brightness.
  • You can also go to  Settings  Display & Brightness  to adjust the brightness.
    • Also on this settings page is a toggle switch for Auto-Brightness. Unless you are frequently using your iPad at the beach or in other brightly lit environments, turn on  Auto-Brightness , which adjusts the screen level based on ambient light.

2. Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not needed

A Wi-Fi connection consumes less energy than a cellular connection, so use it when you can. But Wi-Fi consumes power, even if you are not using it to connect to a network, so turn it off when you don't need to be online. Same goes for Bluetooth -- turn it off when you aren't using it to conserve battery.

Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can be also toggled on and off by swiping up from the bottom edge of your iPad's screen for the Control Center.

See also


