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The purpose of this page is for collection knowledge on Eventum [1] Tips, Tricks and FAQ's.




top Eventum has a powerful option for running SQL Scripts on the Track-Database. This feature uses the URL to execute the request to the Database. The following table contains the fields and their meaning.

Field Enumeration Description Column in
cat   Mandatory field indicating the action to be done.  
search Used for the searching actions and advanced queries int he Database.  
save_filter Is used for saving an user-made advanced query into the Table eventum_custom_filter.
hide_closed 1 0=No, 1=Yes. Hides or Show the Closed Issues. cst_hide_closed
show_authorized_issues yes Shows the issues in which the used is Authorized to send emails cst_show_authorized
show_notification_list_issues yes Shows the issues in Notification list cst_show_notification_list
custom_field   Access requires the Adminstrator role. cst_custom_field
updated_date cst_updated_date
first_response_date cst_first_response_date
last_response_date cst_last_response_date
closed_date cst_closed_date
keywords TC09 cst_keywords
search_type all_text cst_search_type
users cst_users
category ?
priority ? cst_iss_prc_id
status cst_iss_sta_id
reporter <name of the reporter> cst_reporter
rows 5|10|25|100|ALL The number of rows to be shown after executing the selection. cst_rows
sort_by Iss_issue_id| The sort by item. cst_order_by
sort_order desc The sorting order ascending or descending cst_sort_order
show_date_fields 1 0=No, 1=Yes, Shows the date fields. ?
filter[created_date] yes cst_created_date_time_period
created_date[filter_type] less|between|past cst_created_date_filter_type
created_date[Month] 1-12 The creation month cst_creation_date
created_date[Day] 1-31 The creation day. cst_creation_date
created_date[Year] 1900-2100 The creation year cst_creation_date
created_date[time_period] 0 The creation date time period.
created_date_end[Month] 1-12 The creation date end-date month cst_creation_date_end
created_date_end[Day] 1-31 The creation date end-date day cst_creation_date_end
created_date_end[Year] 1900-2100 cst_creation_date_end
updated_date[time_period] 0 cst_update_date_period
first_response_date[time_period] 0 cst_first_response_date_period
last_response_date[time_period] 0 cst_last_response_date_period
closed_date[time_period] 0 The closed date time-period cst_closed_date_period
title TC09-After-13-Dec2010 The title of the query, which is also the name in the database table. cst_title

See also




  1. Eventum Home page, Source code is GPL Licensed based on PHP and MySQL.
  2. 2.0 2.1 SourceForge.net, Find and develop Free Open Source Software.