Coding Standards

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Coding Standards [1] is part of the Programming Styles are a set of rules or guidelines used when writing the source code for a computer program. It is often claimed that following a particular programming style will help programmers to read and understand source code conforming to the style, and help to avoid introducing errors.

Programming languages have their own definition of the Coding Standards. Sun [2] has published their own code conventions and recommends other to follow.

Next to the definition of Code Standards there are also tools to enforce the following of the conventions. The tooling is available for a range of different development tools such as Integrated Development Environments (i.e. Eclipse), Editors (i.e. JEdit', Project tools (i.e. Maven) and Make utilities (i.e. Ant).




top The most common tool to check the programming style is CheckStyle [3] for Java developed by Oliver Burn in 2001.

See also




  1. Programming style or Coding standards on wikipedia.
  2. Sun Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language contains the standard conventions that Sun follows and recommends others to follow. It covers filenames, file organization, indentation, comments, declarations, statements, white space, naming conventions, programming practices and includes a code example.
  3. CheckStyle is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if a Java source code complies with coding rules.
  4. SourceForge is the home of the Worlds largest Open Source projects. SourceForge is the location to download and develop free open source software.