Maven2 Eclipse
- Maven:
Install Apache Maven2 [1]. Try to install maven not using the Windows registry (ToDo: Explanation howto). - Eclipse:
Install Eclipse [2]. - Eclipse m2Eclipse plug-in:
Install the maven plug-ins for eclipse.[3].
In eclipse goto Help -> Software Updates... -> Available Software -> Add Site.
First you may have to install the EMF Model Transaction Workbench (Search for Workbench in the type filter text).
Add the site and install the m2eclipse plug-in. - Eclipse Subclipse plug-in:
Install the Subclipse [4] plug-in for accessing Subversion repo's. - Eclipse Mylyn plug-in:
Install the Mylyn plug-in [5] if a JIRA [6] integration is needed.
Before examining the features of m2eclipse, enable the Maven console in Eclipse.
- Open the console by: Window -> Show View ->Console.
- Click on the arrow of the Open Console Icon of the Console and select Maven Console.
- The downloading of the Repository can be followed in this Console Window.
Create Eclipse Maven project
Maven has plug-ins for Eclipse, IntelliJ, IDEAm JBuilder and Emacs. The focus here is on Eclipse-IDE. To build a project in Eclipse using mvn window command-line, perform the Eclipse plug-in of Maven for eclipse. This is the most basic and also deprecated way of creating an Eclipse Maven Project.
mvn eclipse
Please use one of the following actions:
- Check out a Maven project from a SCM [7] repository (such as Subversion or CVS).
- Create a Maven project using a Maven archetype. The usage of a Repository Manager (i.e. Nexus) is important when using a lot of developers and having slow Internet access.
- Creating a Maven POM (Project Object Model) file. The creation of a POM file within a project which is already in Eclipse.
Repository location
Eclipse needs to know where your Maven Repository is located. Therefor the class-path variable M2_REPO has to be set. Execute the command:
> mvn -Declipse.workspace=<path-to-eclipse-workspace> eclipse:add-maven-repo
To check the installed Maven2 environment, execute the command:
> set M M2_HOME=XXX... (Should be set) M2_REPO=XXX... (Must be set) M2_VERSION=XXX... (Nice to have set) MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xms512m (Better be set) MVN_LOG=ZZZ... (Should be set)
I had a M2_REPO environment variable which is not located at the expected place, which is on a windows machine defined by the environment variable USERPROFILE.
Therefore the M2_REPO is correct, but the mvn command does not record the correct location.
In this case look in the file org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs located in the
.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings directory.
There is a change that the variable-value in Eclipse is non-modifiable. The most logical reason is that you are using the m2eclipse plugin.
Maven uses the settings.xml file located in %M2_HOME%\conf. If nothing is specified here the default location is used.
All suggested work-a-rounds failed. The last thing I tried has been to remove the m2eclipse plug-in from Eclipse. And that worked. Do-no-add the M2_REPO to your eclipse project by using the maven command (mvn -D<workspace-name> eclipse:add-maven-repo), but manually add the variable to the build-classpath.
Create a new classpath variable in Eclipse:
- Windows -> Preferences -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables page.
See also
- ↑ Apache Maven, Apache Maven Home Page, download locations, installation- and documentation information.
- ↑ Eclipse Home Page, the place for download locations, installation and documentation info.
- ↑, Repository and Documentation of maven repositories and plug-ins.
- ↑ Tigris Subclipse, home of the Subversion. Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE.
- ↑ Eclipse Mylyn
- ↑ Atlassian JIRA, Home page of Atlassian JIRA.
- ↑ SCM: Source Control Management, version control system.