Keytags links

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Keytags links or Keyword links is a web application made by Harm Frielink.
It provides a mechanism to search for URL/Webpages/Websites using tags/keywords to disclose the metadata of these websites.
The metadata (tags, description, url and rating) are stored into a database for easy retrieval by a search-weg-application.

This page gives a description and is a manual to use the web application.


The program is developed in 2001. It is now (4 Mar 2016) filled with approx. 3850 links.


The Link application needs a registered user and sets cookies on your computer to remember the registered user (See Registration for a Guest Account).
The first time you start the program you will see:

   Image 1 : First time opening

Before clicking on  Continue  you need to accept the the cookies on the site by checking the checkbox box (☐ to ☑) before the line I accept cookies from this site.
If you do't the chck the box the question will be rephrased: You must tick the 'I accept cookies from this site' box to accept. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you agree to receive all cookies on this website.
After clicking on the  Continue :

  • The site assumes you have accepted.
  • The Cookie warning will disappear (at least for today).


Currently it is not possible to register.
You may use the free guest account (UID: guest, PWD: guest).

Logged in

  Image 2: After login



Command Description Default Value
Links The name of the website is also the link to the Help by clicking on the Title Links.  
Enter the keyword-tags ... Enter all known keywords/tags separated by a space. After you entered more than 3 character the search will automatically start.  
Sort on Combobox for the Order By or Sort order. Options are Url, Name and Description Name
Num-results The total number of lines to display on 1 screen. Must be between 10 and 250. 30
User data Multiple field for:
  •  Login , The user has to be registered to be able to login.
  •  Settings , Successful logged in users can set their preferences by clicking this button.
    See UserSettings for HaFr for more details.
    Not available for Guest users.
  •  Logout , The Guest logout button is shown after successful logged in Guest.
iFrame Only valid for registered users, not Guest accounts.  
Action  Reload , Reset the site by reloading the app.  
Status Information field on the current status and/or last action.  

Example Screen

  Image 3: Example screen
  • 1  2   3   Next 
    The 1st, 2nd and 3rd screen. The total found links are 80. You can also use  Next  to go one screen further.
  • By hovering on one of the names in the column URL additional information is shown about the named website.
  • By clicking on one of the names in the column URL the website with that name is opened in a new tab.
  • Hover over the footer item to see more information.

See also


