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Chess is a fascinating game. MediaWiki has a great template for creating chess boards. Below are 2 examples of chess positions:

Chess positions

Chess Starting position        White to move, Mate in 2
8 rd nd bd qd kd bd nd rd
7 pd pd pd pd pd pd pd pd
2 pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl
1 rl nl bl ql kl bl nl rl
a b c d e f g h
8 nd kd
7 nd rl
6 nl
5 nl
4 kl
a b c d e f g h


I have been the chairman of LSG (Leidsch Schaak Genootschap), an illustrious chess society in Leiden. LSG is one of the largest chess clubs of the Netherlands and organizes the largest not sponsored tournament Daniel Noteboom.


top Chess can be played on the internet. What you need is basically is a chess server. They are normally hosted by chess internet clubs. The most famous are: Chess can be played on the Internet there are 2 clubs:

To play a GUI is necessary. Also more choices:

  • Babas Chess, the most sophisticated Windows based version.
  • Winboard, Winboard and XBoard on Tim Mmann is GNU based chess program
  • JinChess, Java version, available as Applet version and run alone version.

PGN Viewers

Chess Database

ChessBase 15

ChessBase (commercial) is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy the game even more.

  • ChessBase Live Database is an online Database made by the mother of the Chess Database App and Chess engine Fritz. Also available as installable program on your PC (Windows only). To download PGN files you need an account (Prices are from € 34.90/year).

Online Databases


SCID (Shane's Chess Information Database) is an open application to view, edit, and manage collections of chess games. SCID is multi-platform: it runs on Unix/Linux, OSX, Windows, and Android.
Study Chess Like You Mean It. Manage databases with millions of games, analyze using UCI or Winboard engines, prepare for your next opponent, and much more.
And it's Free and Open Source (GPL Licensed).

  • scid, Sourceforge entry to the SCID source code and installation.


KingBase is a free chess games collection, usable with most free and commercial chess programs.
Periodically new chess games are added, existing entries are revised and duplicated games are removed.
The games are mainly collected from the websites of various tournaments and TWIC archives.
KingBase is a free alternative to commercial products, but has some limitations:

  • No annotated games.
  • No games with less than 6 moves.
  • No games before 1990.
  • No games with ELO-rating < 2000.

Chess Engines

This sections tries to be up-to-date for the world of Chess Engines.


Founded in 2008 StockFishChess has become the strongest Chess engine in the world, runs on all platform and is open source.
The Stockfish engine was developed by Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba, and Joona Kiiski. It is now being developed and maintained by the Stockfish community.
The engine is among others also available in apps for OSX and iOS and is part of the ScidvsPc



willkommen in der neuen ChessBase Welt! Ihr Chessbase Account ist jetzt aktiv. Ab jetzt können Sie 90 Tage Ihren STARTER Account kostenlos testen: Ohne weitere Aboverpflichtung und Kosten: Wenn Sie nicht ausdrücklich selbst Ihren Account verlängern, passiert nichts.

Bei diesen ChessBase Web Tools können Sie sich jetzt einloggen:

  • Schach spielen und live verfolgen:
  • Taktiktraining:
  • Sechs Millionen Partien, wöchentlich aktualisiert:
  • Eigene Partien speichern und analysieren:
  • Schachprogramm Fritz im Browser:
  • Schach für Kinder:
  • Diskutieren und abstimmen über Nachrichten:

See also


  •, Opening book reference.
  • 365Chess Homepage, Biggest Chess Games Database Online.
    • 365Chess, Opening Explorer books reference ECO.


  • ChessOk, After Chess Assistant 19 / Houdini 6 Aquarium 2019 / Aquarium 2019

