Max in Malaysia 2017


Charles Leclerc

Charles Leclerc

Race Forecast Formula-1-GP's 2024

Predict winning Formula 1 GP-drivers & the new World Champion.

You know it better than everybody else, because you know what matters in Formula 1.
Proof it by joining!

How to join? It's so easy.

If you are so sure why don't you proof it by making your predictions together with others, i.e. your friends.
Play it alone, or together in your own private pool and/or your company pool.

George Russell

George Russell


  • Do you like to be challenged?
  • Do you find competing for honor and glory more fun than playing for money?
  • Can you predict the final outcome of a Formula 1 Grand Prix?
  • Can you predict the final outcome of the Formula 1 season?
  • Do you like to compete with others about your F1 knowledge?
  • Do you also like to compete with your friends about this?

You came to the right place. You can do it all!

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2


The main goal is to be the best augur in predicting race and season results of the Formula 1 Season 2024.
The aim is never money or any other financial gambling profit.
Only 'pride' (and maybe 'prejudice') are involved.
And that's more than enough.

Earn as many points as possible by correctly predicting the results of the best 10 cars for every Grand Prix of the season.
And earn as many points as possible by predicting who will win the Championship and become the world champion in 2024, runner-up and further on.
The quantity of points are the measure for the individual- as well as the team standings depending on where the participant is playing in.

Gaming period

The current game will cover the 2024 season of the Formula 1 Grand Prix's. More information will be available later.


Everyone can join for free on the easiest and nicest Formula 1 Augury of the World.
The game:

  • Participation is free.
  • Predictions can be made/changed until 1 minute before the race starts.
  • Predict the first 10 positions in every race and predict the season results.
  • Create your own pool or participate to an existing pool.
  • Send emails to pool players.
  • See the predictions of your pool players.
  • Option to hide your own predictions.
  • Option to invite other players to participate.

Latest News / Laatste Nieuws

Start your own pool

Invite your friends, family and colleagues to join.
You can start your own pool or join an existing one.


See the Help section of this website, visit the help wiki website or send an email to the webmaster.
See Help → FAQ → Contact Information.



Who will be World champion 2024?

4 votes

Miscellaneous Information


Contact the information on the wiki help site or send an email to the webmaster (Help → FAQ → Contact Information).


Formula 1 The official F1 website is definitely the place to begin your warm-up for the new racing season.
Autosport Best place to find all the Formula 1 news.
Facebook F1 Augur The Facebook fan page of F1-Augur with news, opninions and other miscellaneous information.

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If that does not work, renew your Internet Browser. The JavaScript version dependents in nearly all cases on the browser. If that also does not work use another Browser: Preferred Browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera of Safari.
Nota Bene: Deprecated Software is dangerous for your own security. Always use the latest versions!
The Current Settings Data is auto-refreshed.

Race Forecast

Forecast can be made until 5 minutes before the start the start of the race.

To see the forecast you have to log-in first.

Your race-prediction is show here, when you are logged-in.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Forecast for Teams

Shows the forecast made by the team-players.

To see the pool-forecast you have to login first.

Your race-prediction is show here, when you are logged-in.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Forecast for Championship

Shows the Championship-forecast made by the logged-in player.

To see the Championship-forecast you have to login first.

Your race-prediction is show here, when you are logged-in.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Players Detailed Ranking

Individual players ranking of the completed races is calculated as soon as the race has finished.
The maximum number of visible columns is initial limited to 10 races.
The selected columns are user defined, so can be changed by the player/user.

To see the ranking you have to login first.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Players Compact Ranking

Players Compact Rank of the completed races is calculated as soon as the race has finished.
The email address of the individual player may be hidden (optional settings for each player).

To see the ranking you have to login first.

Participators / Pools:

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Individual Pool Players

Ranking is calculated after the race has finished and the results are public confirmed.

To see the ranking you have to login first.

Participators / Pools:

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Ranking Pools

Ranking is calculated after the race has finished and the results are public confirmed.

To see the ranking you have to login first.

Participators / Pools:

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Drivers & Teams Standings

The results are shown until the last finished race.

  • The List of Drivers contains the ranking per (sprint)race and the total points.
  • The List of the Teams the points per (sprint)race and the total points.


1Max VerstappenRed Bull Rac11DNF112161152542652361516437
2Lando NorrisMcLaren6835212422DNF32513414266101374
3Charles LeclercFerrari43244331DNF51114433125135423356
4Oscar PiastriMcLaren84488134257241242135887310292
5Carlos SainzFerrari3DNS135553DNF6356654DNF721DNF362290
6George RussellMercedes56DNF76875341DNF8DNF7734654145245
7Lewis HamiltonMercedes79DNF996674341318596DNF4102124223
8Sergio PerezRed Bull Rac2252348DNFDNF87177768DNF107171110DNFDNF152
9Fernando AlonsoAston Martin958679191161218811810116813DNF14117970
10Pierre GaslyAlpine16DNF1316131216109910DNFDNF13915121712103DNF5742
11Nico HulkenbergHaas1310911101111DNF1111661318111711989DNF8DNF841
12Yuki TsunodaAlphaTauri1814710DNF71081419141091617DNFDNF1214DNF79131230
13Lance StrollAston Martin10DNF612151791471413710111219DNF141511DNF15DNF1424
14Esteban OconAlpine15131615111014DNF10101216189141415131813217DNFDNS23
15Kevin MagnussenHaas14121013161913DNF121781215141810DNSDNF117DNS1291616
16Daniel RicciardoAlphaTauri121612DNFDNF151212815913121013131318DNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNS12
17Alexander AlbonWilliams171111DNF1218DNF9DNF1815914121597DNF16DNFDNFDNF151112
20Guanyu ZhouKick Sauber191815DNF141415161513171819DNF20181415191515138134
21Liam LawsonAlphaTauri------------------91691614DNF4
22Valtteri BottasKick Sauber11171414DNF161713131616151615191616161714131811DNF0
23Logan SargeantWilliams2015DNS1717DNF1815DNF201911171716DNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNS0

DNF: Did not finish
DNS: Did not start
NDA: No data available (or "-")


3Red Bull Rac444310445444298252925181619261210192983211268589
5Aston Martin310128722014001014108400006294
10Kick Sauber0000000000000000000000404

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

General Help / Game Help

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Calculation help

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9 / 2

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Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

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Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Admin tab Email to Forecasters

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.

Admin tab Race Results

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.

Admin tab Health Set

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.

Admin Developer

Admin Developer tab is only available for administrators.

To see this administrator-tab become admin first.

Admin Calculate Race Result

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.

Admin User List

This list contains information of the users state and is only available for the administrator.
There are more fields in the list available, please look at the Show-list.
You do not have the required credentials!

Admin Edit Drivers

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.

Driver Data Table


Table will be shown after driver has been seletected.


Drivers Data

DB-Id FirstName LastName BirthData Country ShortName Team From Team Team From Car #

Admin Insert Drivers

Admin tab is only available for administrators.

To see the administrator become admin first.



Registration and login are based on your email address and password.
Your email address can not be changed after being registered and confirmed.
The forms below have the features:

  • First time registration and Maintainance form.
    1. If you are not logged-in, register a new account:
    2. If you are logged-in, maintain your existing registration data:
      • Your email address is already filled in the form.
      • You need to enter your password for retrieval and saving.
      • See the Individual Registration form below.
  • Account Email address can not be changed in this version of the website
  • Password changes can be made (you need to be logged in) with the password change form.
  • Request new password / Reset exising password.
    Request a new password in case you forgot your password by reset existing password

Individual Registration & Data Maintenance

Please fill the form below to register.
Fields preceeded by an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
The checkbox 'I aggree to the terms...' has to be confirmed.
Click on the Save button to finish the Registration.

Password change form

To change your existing password you need to be logged-in.

Reset Password / Request new password

This request will send an email to your registered email address only.
If someone else tries this request, you can ignore the email and do nothing because there are no changes made.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Pool Registration and Maintenance

Please Login first. Without a valid login account you can not view/edit pool(s).

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

Invite others to play / participate

Please Login first. Without a valid login account you can invite nobody to play.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2


Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
If something goes wrong, popups will give you detailed error information.
After successful login you are redirected to the Home screen.

You must be registered to be able to log in.
Also you have to accept the usage of cookies.
See the Help Game and the Help FAQ for more information.

Participators / Pools:

9 / 2

This website is unofficial and not associated in any way with the Formula One group of companies.
F1, Formula 1, Formula One, FIA Formula One World Championship, Grand Prix and related marks are trade marks of Formula One Licensing B.V.