Tutorial Maven Spring
Tutorials help the developer in exploring how application can be made. The tutorials here presented try to to do that too. The examples are from various parts of the Internet and are always presented with reference to the original side.
To understand the presented examples pre-required knowledge is necessary on:
- Language Java JDK 1.8 and JEE
- Build tool Maven (Version 3 or better)
- IDE Eclipse (Luna or better)
- with JEE
- and m2eclipse Apache Maven plug-in.
- Web Container Tomcat (8.0 or better)
- Spring MVC
- AJAX tool jQuery (1.8 or better)
Basic Maven Tomcat Deployment
Procedure will help you create a new web application using the m2eclipse Apache Maven plugin for Eclipse, and then deploy and run it on the Tomcat server defined in your Eclipse IDE [1].
- In Eclipse, create a new Maven Project. File > New > Other... > Maven Project.
- Accept the first Screen, choose Next
- In the second Screen find and select the maven archetype called maven-archetype-webapp,
[ToDo Finish this example with pictures and annotations.]
Hello World
Tutorial for Spring MVC HelloWorld Using Maven in Eclipse [2].
Java developers often rely on examples to learn Spring framework. Simple examples are often a key learning resource. There are many Spring MVC HelloWorld applications. However, most of them are outdated (do not integrate Maven, use old version of Spring, etc) or not complete (missing key steps or file hierarchy view). All steps for creating a Spring MVC HelloWorld application using Maven in Eclipse are illustrated with as much details as necessary.
Prerequisite are installed versions of:
- Java 7 or higher
- Eclipse Kepler Java EE
- Tomcat 7 or higher
[ToDo Finish this example with pictures and annotations.]
Hello World II
Tutorial of Crunchify [3] to create the most simple Hello World with the pre required tooling:
- Tomcat 7.0.56 or Higher
- Eclipse IDE Luna Service Release 1 v4.4.1 or higher (don'y forget the JEE
- Spring 4.1.1 (No download required)
- Java JDK 1.7 or higher
Step 1: Open Eclipse and Create Dynamic Web Project CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial.
[ToDo Finish this example with pictures and annotations.]